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Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014

joyeux noël - in the Louis XVI Style.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I suppose I was very lazy here on my blog - but I will start with a totally new website, next year.

But for now, I want to wish you a blessed christmas and a magnificent happy new year.

My interior changed completely - I am very into the Louis XVI style - very french, very elegant.

Here is one picture of our christmas tree this year, in our sitting room.

I used to take this picture in the more 1900 style - to bring back a bit more atmosphere.

Our tree is very simple decorated with some baubles and pale pink bows.

This room contains 18th century portraits - Louis XVI furniture.

See you often in 2015.


4 Kommentare:

  1. Love it all! Want more more more from your new style ;)

    Wishing you fine days

  2. Would also love to see this in full colour.....;)

  3. Marcel, auch Dir Frohe Weihnachten und Danke für das Bild des Canape´s auf dem vorigen Post - ein herrliches Vorbild für die richtige Patina, hmmmm, nicht so flach, wie ich es meist mache, jaja, da werde ich noch lernen...
    Alles Liebe, die Méa
